I'm gonna be a ....Call Centre operator when I'm older
....or so the Computer Program at school tells me. That or a university lecturer or recycling officer.I suppose I'll stay on and do A-levels, but i don't know why. I mean... whayt I really want to do is ...everything, travel the world and keep seeing new places and people. So it's a bit hard fro me to find something i really think " I want to do that". That's why I like languages, history, etc.
I like the internet too, but that means sitting down. However, its the fact that you can, with web-based email, sit down in a cafe in Siberia and read the same emails as a hotel in New York, that amazes me.
I 've like history, but other than a museum keeper or archivist, there's no direct jobs connected with it. Actually archaeology...come to think of it. With Foreign Languages, you can do anything, so long as you have some thing else as well, or be a translator, in which case you need to know the language VERY well.
I like music and drama, but I don't seriously think I have a future there, but maybe in Radio or TV. That ties in being a Journalist, I can imagine being the first reporter on the scene at, say, the London bombs today (7th July) - that seems exciting to me.
I 've got mixed messages though, because the school says we should really start making choices now, but ask any successful person and few will say they started out knowing exactly where their future would be. A few do, and they're the lucky ones... Me, I 've got to let the computer do it for me
Hmm....so Call Centre operator it is then
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