Friday, August 05, 2005

Join King Danny, yes?

Well, no maybe not, but I wonder how many of you are aware of this manSo why not see his website.

This guy, and his friend Dave Gorman have

  • Been round the world looking for people called Dave Gorman
  • Followed a string of Googlewhacks (click here if you don't know what one is), finding the owner of one they found, getting them to find another one and so on...
  • Accidentally set up a cult (a collective sorry) of members, which had no particular point for a l0ng time
  • Tried living without saying the word NO; that is, always saying yes when asked a yes/no question

His newest scheme is creating his own country, with him as ruler. It's on TV in the UK (BBC2, Wednesdays at 10pm)

I am inspired to try some ideas of my own when I'm older, but to be honest I'm too lazy. But then of course, having your own country sounds pretty cool.

Having a look round, I found he isn't the first to think of this idea - there's even a directory of 'micronations' (Try googling it if you don't believe me)


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