OK, Welcome, not that anyone's reading this but it makes me feel better....
I henceforth declare this blog to be well and truly open. I have no idea why or wherefore, but perhaps the reason will find me.
I'm a 15- yr -old from a town near Manchester in the UK, with lots of interests, including current affairs. I n fact I might be a journalist when I'm older.....
Anyway, I'll be waiting for the reason I set up this to become apparent, and then I will possibly talk sense. But for now...anything goes
Click here...why not?
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Ok, this is the most fantastic cool innovation(¹)in the history of web-based logging services, supplying high-quality(²) entertainment at the speed of light(³) to your good selves. ----------------------------------------- Terms and Conditions apply. Subject to availability. I am not liable for injury and/or death caused by reading this blog. ----------------------------------------- (¹)Not an actual innovation. It is fantastic and cool though. (²)Quality not guaranteed (³)Approximation
About Me
- Name: Andrew
- Location: Wilmslow, Cheshire, United Kingdom
ME, me, me. Well I'm 15, got dark brown hair and eyes. More importantly, I think I'm pretty laid-back and I have an interest in lots of things
Previous Posts
- Unison members on strike... just not... here
- 1 in 6 billion...
- Time for another poem I think....
- Guten morgen
- Belated Merry Xmas and New Year!
- And here is the news...
- Join King Danny, yes?
- Congratulations you're reader number 0000000003
- Shhhh.. yes I know this is the same day, I could h...
- So I was right, I'm not that great at updates..
The one and only...
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